Global expertise in multi-disciplinary interpretation and project integration
Petroleum systems studies of South, Central and North Atlantic margins and Southeast Asia
Data News: Collecting, curating and cross-verifying very large data sets provides the basis for our products. Early 2023 deliverables are yielding insights we're putting on display at focused conferences.
Come see us in London at AsiaPac24 (the SEAPEX-GESGB collaboration); and in Houston for Africa Conference 2024, the annual HGS-GESGB Africa showcase.
Read our article series Geology of the South China Sea and Regional Tectonics of South East Asia in SEAPEX Press (free to Members so become one!)
Peer-Reviewed Papers of Interest (and grab an extended listing of papers and presentations from the Publications link above):
Defining a supergiant petroleum system in Brazil's Santos Basin with multidisciplinary methods: One template for exploration success
by William Dickson, Craig Schiefelbein and Mark Odegard
Petroleum systems asymmetry across the South Atlantic Equatorial Margins
by William Dickson, Craig Schiefelbein, Mark E. Odegard and John E. Zumberge
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Dickson International Geosciences Inc. (DIGs)
DIGs on LinkedIn
+1 281-556-9212